We are very proud of our «tech wings». As a result of our experience and the capacity of our team, in recent years we have innovated and developed our own tools that we put at your disposal.

tech wings

During the last few years, Kanzo has carried out different R&D development projects mainly focused on solving the complexity linked to the Java ecosystem in terms of scalability, concurrency, and integration. For this purpose, our approach has focused on a development model based on asynchronous programming, whose core is the actor model.

As a result of these development processes, we can first highlight the creation of an asynchronous ecosystem that meets the complexity reduction premise on which we rely. The different modules of the ecosystem allow the management of software elements’ life cycle or the management of asynchronous events, among other functions.

Another project to be highlighted is a test data generator developed in a java environment. This tool gives the opportunity to generate controlled quantities of any type of data, providing also the seed of such creation, which allows to replicate those same values as many times as desired in order to verify the integrity of the tests performed.

Finally, Kanzo’s vision also encompasses metaprogramming, carrying out a research and development process that aims to deepen the automatic generation of code through tools such as EMF, Xcore or Xtext.

We find out, we try, we fail, we go on, we hit… All this is possible because we have been searching for years and trying out those approaches and tools that allow us to realize our vision.

tech mantras

From our tech vision, all applications and systems of the present future must be oriented to a cloud native paradigm, thus facing the existing challenges of scalability and concurrency.
In addition, the current development system involves huge maintenance costs. We defend a DESIGN FIRST perspective, where the best way to maintain an application is to develop it considering its evolution since the very beginning.
Accordingly, our know-how includes technologies that are consistent with this tech vision, encompassing Reactive Systems, Actor Model, Domain Driven Design, Modularity, Containerization Technologies, API Economy, Continuous Practices, Software Defined Infrastructure.
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